Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Japan Governor: Yuriko Koike
  • image description
    Population 1384340
  • km 2
    Area 2122.0
  • JPY
    GDP 100 Trillion
  • emission
    Targets by N/A N/A

Targets by Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Renewable energy target


  • The Tokyo Metropolitan Government committed to increase its share of renewable energy in final energy mix in Community by 30% by 2030
  • Current share of renewable energy in final energy mix: 11.0% 2022
  • The target is going to be reached by activities in Electricity sectors.
  • The Tokyo Metropolitan Government committed to increase its Share of renewable energy in primary energy mix in Community by 30% by 2030
  • Current Share of renewable energy in primary energy mix: 11.0% 2022
  • The target is going to be reached by activities in Electricity sectors.

  • The Tokyo Metropolitan Government committed to increase its Installed capacity of Renewable energy in Local Government to 4 MW by 2019
  • Current Installed capacity of Renewable energy: 0.18 MW 2022
  • The target is going to be reached by activities in Electricity sector.
Energy efficiency target


38% Energy efficiency improvement by 2030

  • The Tokyo Metropolitan Government committed to increase its energy efficiency in Final energy and Community energy consumption by 38% by 2030 compared to 2000 levels.
  • Final energy energy consumption: 222586784.0 Mwh
  • This target will be achieved in Electricity and Transport sectors


25% Energy efficiency improvement by 2019

  • The Tokyo Metropolitan Government committed to increase its energy efficiency in Final energy and Local Government energy consumption by 25% by 2019 compared to 2000 levels.
  • This target will be achieved in Electricity, Transport, Heating & cooling and Industry sectors
Environmental Master Plan
Carbon Reduction Reporting Program (for small- and medium-sized facilities) - Tokyo Metropolitan Government
  • Start year: 2010
  • Type: Regulation
  • Status: In operation

This program encourages small and medium-sized facilities to report their CO2 emissions and the status of their global warming countermeasures
- Target facilities:
Small and medium-sized facilities or offices on business premises in Tokyo with an annual energy (fuel, heat and electricity) usage of less than 1,500 kiloliters in crude oil equivalent
- Reports submitted:
Approximately 2,200 business operators submitted reports for over 34,000 facilities in fiscal 2015.
- Submission types:
1) Mandatory report submission and information disclosure for business operators with multiple small or medium-sized facilities in Tokyo if their combined total annual energy usage is 3,000 kiloliters or more in crude oil equivalent
2) Voluntary submission for other facilities
Main features:
1) Business operators report each facility’s CO2 emissions and the status of specific measures implemented against climate change in the previous year.
2) TMG discloses the information from each facility’s report. It also formulates Low Carbon Benchmarks (self-rated index) using the data in the reports.

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  • Commercial
  • Industrial
local action
Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program - Tokyo Metropolitan Government
  • Start year: 2010
  • Type: Regulation
  • Status: In operation

Start year: 2010
Type: Policy/Strategies/Action Plans
World’s first urban cap-and-trade program in terms of covering office buildings
Target: Facilities with large GHG emissions (the consumption of fuel, heat and electric power exceeds 1,500KL per year in crude oil equivalent)
Covered gas: CO2 from energy use
Implementation Period:
The first compliance period (2010-2014)
The second compliance period (2015-2019)
Mandatory Reduction:
Base-year emissions x mandatory reduction rate x 5 (years)
Base-year emissions is the average of any three consecutive years between 2002 and 2007)
Compliance factor: 17% for office buildings, and 15% for factories (The 2nd compliance period)
Ways to meet obligations:
1) On-site energy saving efforts (ex. replacing old equipments with more energy efficient ones).
2) Emission Trading (to buy the following through the trading)
Excess Reduction
Small and midsize facility credits
Renewable energy credits
Outside Tokyo credit (emission reduction from outside of Tokyo)
Saitama Credits
Penalties: In case of failing to fulfill the obligation, the entity is required to reduce 130% of the shortfall, and there will be penalties for violation of the order.

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  • Commercial
  • Industrial
Tokyo Green Building Program - Tokyo Metropolitan Government
  • Start year: 2002
  • Type: Regulation
  • Status: In operation

The program aims to promote reductions in the environmental loads of urban buildings including offices and apartments by evaluating building owners’ environmentally-friendly efforts for their buildings and creating a market that highly values buildings with great environmental performance.
- Target buildings: Newly constructed or expanded large buildings with a total floor space of over 5,000 square meters (10,000 square meters from 2002 to 2010)
- Assessed items:
1) Efficient use of energy (reduction of heat loads, adoption of renewable energy, installation of energy-efficient systems, etc.)
2) Appropriate use of resources (use of eco-materials, protection of the ozone layer, global warming prevention, extension of life period, etc.)
3) Environmental conservation (hydrologic cycle, greening)
4) Mitigation of heat island phenomenon (measures against human-derived emissions, covering of building and site surfaces, consideration of wind environment, etc.)
- Evaluation and Announcement: Evaluation results are rated on a one-to-three scale and publicly announced.

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  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
Enhancement of measures against torrential rains and other urban disasters caused by climate change - Tokyo Metropolitan Government
  • Start year: 2013
  • Type: Regulation
  • Status: In operation

1. Enhancement of efforts to protect residents from torrential rains and other urban disasters
1) Improve flood control measures in the metropolis of Tokyo
2) Promote emergency response actions to protect Tokyo from localized torrential rains
3) Improvements of rivers and sewage systems based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Torrential Rain Measures Basic Policy
4) Improvement in immediate delivery of flood information and evacuation assistance
5) Reinforcement of rainwater run-off control measures
2. Further promotion of sediment disaster countermeasures
1) Promotion of sediment disaster countermeasures through coordination of infrastructure and services
2) Promotion of safety measures at anti-flood afforestation facilities
3) Safety improvements for roads in mountainous areas in Tama and islands of Tokyo
3. Promotion of urban planning for rising temperatures
1) Increased use and improvements of the installation of eco-friendly pavements such as heat-blocking pavements
2) Promotion of the systems for research and control of emerging infectious diseases associated with climate change

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local action
Community inventories

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has reported 2 Community emission inventories, since 2009. In its latest inventory, compiled in 2010, the are identified as key emission sources.

GHG emission from Tokyo Metropolitan Government
GHG inventory in 2010
Government operations inventory

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has reported 3 government operational inventories, since 2011. In its latest inventory, compiled in 2016, the are identified as key emission sources.

GHG emission from Tokyo Metropolitan Government
GHG inventory in 2016

Governor Yuriko Koike
Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Japan



MXCP Signatories
Compact of Mayors - ICLEI

Status of compliance

Compact of Mayors
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