- The Sollentuna Municipality committed to increase its share of renewable energy in final energy mix in Local Government by 100% by 2014
- The target is going to be reached by activities in Electricity sector.
To heat buildings with district heating is often positive for the environment. In Sollentuna 98% of all apartment buildings and about 24% of detached houses is connected to the district heating network. The share of renewable and recycled energy in district heating was 91% in 2012. New production plants for district heating are being built and Fortum plans on building several others in the network of Stockholm to which Sollentuna is connected. The goal is that district heating should be completely fossil fuel free by 2030 at the latest. In 2013-2015 the entire delivery of district heating is climate compensated for.
Read More Read LessIn 2015, Sollentuna municipality accepted a new policy for traffic and transport.
The policy consists of a number of strategies in which a strategy is that pedestrians should be given the highest priority, then cyclists, public transport, commercial vehicles and then cars. This means that when new streets are built or existing rebuilt, pedestrians will consistently get enough space and infrastructure is to be designed for the convenience of pedestrians.
Another strategy is that the transport system shall be possible to use by all and designed so that everyone can meet up their needs.
Furthermore, availability is prioritized prior to movement and a basic principle in all urban planning and traffic planning in Sollentuna is to create the highest possible availability for our residents, visitors and businesses.
Since 2014, Sollentuna municipality participates in European Mobility Week 16-22 September every year. It is an annual campaign on sustainable urban mobility, with the aim to introduce and promote sustainable transport measures and to invite the citizens to try out alternatives to car use. For example, 2015 Sollentuna arranged “Bike day” with activities like unicycle show, bike parade, bike flee market etc.
The budget specified for this action is for 2015 only. This action will occur every year.
In 2015, Sollentuna conducted a pilot study about the school food and how to reduce its climate impact without raising the costs. The analysis showed that climate impact is greatest in commodity stage and especially from beef. Costs and environmental impact go hand in hand - measures to reduce climate change will lead to lower costs. But it requires a partnership between the municipality and the suppliers. This study help set the ground for dialogues between school and suppliers, to reduce climate impact from food.
Read More Read LessIn 2014, Sollentuna accepted a new environmental policy. The goal is that “Sollentuna Municipality will be the first municipality in the country that meets their needs without drawing on the earth's resources”. In other words we will only consume resources that one planet can sustain. The environmental policy applies to all operations within the municipality including the municipal companies.
Read More Read LessSince 2007, Sollentuna uses work horses in their nature conservation. The municipality currently has three horses employed alongside with one person. Together they work in the four nature reserves in Sollentuna. They also work together with the municipality’s highland cattle in Järvafältet.
An advantage with using horses instead of machines is that they can pull logs in sensitive terrain without harming the nature. They also have better access to small areas and are much cheaper than using large machines.
During 2014, the municipality developed a new cycle plan that was accepted by the City Council in December 2014. The focus during 2014 was to improve winter maintenance of bicycle paths. For example a so called “sopsaltare” was tested during the winter, a kind of plow that sweeps the way in front and spread salt in the rear. The sopsaltare makes it possible cycle during cooler parts of the year. The work with the cycle plan and improved infrastructure for the cycle continues in 2015, and the yearly budget has been increased from 17 to 37 million. Among other things, the city will widen the cycle paths, carry out campaigns for cyclists "Thank you for taking the bike" and upgrade the bike path display.
The target is to double the proportion of journeys made by cycle by 2020, from 7 % to 14 %. By 2030 our target is that the proportion of bike trips is 20 %.
Investing in solar energy and a green roof in a new sport arena, called Rotebro idrottshall. The solar panels are estimated to produce 6000 kWh/year, approximatley 11 % of the electricity consumption. The construction of the arena started in 2014, and finish late 2015.
Read More Read LessIn cooperation with the company Miljögiraff Sollentuna municipality has made a scientific study of climate impact as a result of municipal purchases. The method used is a Life Cycle Assessment of municipal purchases based on the accounts for the year 2012 and national environmental accounts, as well as specific environmental data combined with general environmental data. The results were analyzed and interpreted by being derived to board, type of activity and type of purchase that gives the most impact on the climate. In this way it is possible to identify the types of purchases that have the greatest impact on the climate and the types of measures that are most effective. The study also includes European trade and new environmental data about the climate impact of indirect land use calculation. It is the first time a municipality in Sweden uses this rigid methodology to chart the carbon footprint from purchases.
In the same study Sollentuna examined the ecological footprint for the municipality. The standard used in this study is developed by a committee with a consensus-based process, called The ecological footprint standard 2009. The ecological footprint is defined as “the biological productive land and water resource” that a population demands.
Sollentuna Municipality, together with Sollentuna Energi AB and Sollentunahem AB, have built three wind turbines standing in Bösjövardens wind farm near Mora in Dalarna. They began to spin in December 2014 and the plants are expected to produce 22-25 GWh every year. The self-produced electricity from wind turbines is estimated to cover about 60 percent of the municipality's own needs.
Read More Read LessOne of Sollentuna municipality's climate and environment projects is about taking advantage of the vegetation in the municipality and its natural ability to capture and long-term store atmospheric carbon dioxide. That is partly to compensate for the vegetation, and hence carbon dioxide storage, which is lost when new areas are exploited, and second, to generally work to increase natural and park soil's ability to sequester carbon dioxide through the way we manage our natural areas. Sollentuna municipality as part of this work has produced a follow-up model to be used in the work with carbon sequestration. In the model, not only can we follow how the carbon storage is affected when new areas are exploited, but also figure out what steps need to be deployed to compensate for the exploitation and to increase carbon storage in general.
Read More Read LessIn 2013, a new system of the municipality's printers was introduced. The solution has a built-in safety and environmental mindset, called the pull print. Simply explained no paper is printed unless if the staff member identifies himself/herself with his/her ID at the printer. According to several studies this provides a reduced environmental impact by reducing waste of paper, toner and electricity.
During the winter of 2013-2014 a new computer system within the municipality was introduced. The new solution is based on so-called "thin clients". “Thin clients” is simply stated a computer that depends on a server to fulfill its computational roles. This is different from the traditional “fat client”, which is a computer designed to take on these roles by itself. The upshot is that is that we can increase the life of our computers and fewer ones need to be discarded, purchased and transported.
In 2013 a pilot study in which energy management of the municipality's administrative computers was conducted. Linked to this, several campaigns have been made on the municipality's intranet, which encourages all employees to turn off their computers. Energy management covers from May all desktops in the municipal building and involves a power scheme automatically lowers down your computer into energy-saving sleep mode about 30 minutes after you left it. Measurements have shown that this resulted in 30% lower energy consumption at the municipal building's desktop computers.
Read More Read LessSollentuna municipality is actively working to encourage more children to walk and cycle to school safely. In the project Safe school routes we work closely together with schools for improvements in the traffic environment around schools and changes in travel behavior.
An important part of the work is to create safe traffic environments, but we cannot eliminate the problems with only physical actions. We need a holistic approach that places the traffic on the agenda in the work of the school. The vast majority of the work involves a long-term strategic approach to create changing habits and ways of thinking. For successful results we need dedicated principals, teachers and parents, as well as a good partnership between the school and municipality. The school has a central role in the work as it is the school that has direct contact with the parents and children have the educational knowledge to pass on what improvements we want to see. The work set-up usually includes working meetings with staff and parents at the school who want to get involved in traffic issues. Together with representatives from the municipality problems are mapped, activities planned and better integration of services in education is discussed.
We work with a number of schools at a time and at the end of the project all the elementary schools in the municipality are included. The active cooperation of each school last approximately two years and the project is estimated to finish in 2021.
Sollentuna Municipality is working continuously to preserve and make available natural land in the municipality. The municipality has four nature reserves - Östra Järvafältet, Rösjöskogen, Södra Törnskogen and Tegelhagen. The latest originated nature reserve in the municipality is Tegelhadens nature reserve, which was established in 2014. Sollentuna Municipality is a total of about 5800 acres. Nature Reserves together occupy approximately 1,958 acres. This means that over 30% of the municipality's total land area is classified nature reserve land.
Budget specified is for this action is for the municipality´s total work with nature conservation.
The nature school is an educational resource that works for the Nature School Society motto "To learn out there.” In Sollentuna it started in 1984 and has been running for 30 years. The base of this work is to support and stimulate the work of schools around the outdoor education, science and sustainable development. All schools in Sollentuna municipality have the opportunity to participate in the Nature School class activities. In addition to class activities there are also opportunities for training in outdoor education for staff in preschool and school. The nature school in Sollentuna is a member of the national organization for nature schools (Naturskoleföreningen in swedish).
Nature school meets approximately 4000 students and 300 teachers in one year. An important aspect of these meetings is to get children and young people to learn about and get to know nature. People who comes in contact with and get a feeling for nature at a young age, becomes more prone to protect the environment throughout their life. There are many children who rarely come out in the forest, but through the Nature School, they get the opportunity.
The Nature school cooperates with the environment and climate strategist in the municipality who for example lecture teachers to do different exercises that they can then implement in their classes. Nature School is also involved with Earth Hour and will further develop and implement more theme meetings.
2014 there was a Japanese professor from Osaka University on a study visit of the Nature School. The purpose of the visit was to look at how Swedish schools and companies work with the environmental issues. After the visit Sollentuna Municipality was mentioned in a Japanese website aimed at children.
Climate Municipalities (Klimatkommunerna) run the project ELSA together with SP and in cooperation with BeBo. The purpose of ELSA is to develop a process guide for energy efficiency in public housing apartment blocks and will be free to use.
The guide will discuss the soft skills needed to be successful with energy efficiency, eg organization, policy documents, policy-making, cost-benefit analysis, procurement, etc.
The guide will be based on material already available in books and reports, but we will also study one or two housing companies bit closer, partly by interviews about how they work and about their processes. The housing companies may also receive the guidance of a process manager to examine how to move forward. The lessons learned will contribute to the process guide.
Target groups for ELSA is predominantly local authority housing and municipalities that want to start or move forward with energy efficiency in apartment buildings.
An interdisciplinary research project led by KTH Royal Institute of Technology translated as “Beyond GDP growth. Scenarios for sustainable community building”. Researchers from KTH, Uppsala University, Lund University, Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL), Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) receive the funds. To the project is also the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), four municipalities and NGOs linked. The role for Sollentuna is to be a reference point where suggestions and important issues are discussed.
The project is running during 2014-2018. The aim is to explore scenarios for developments with degrowth, steady state and low growth and develop strategies that can be used within the field of building and planning in Sweden. Using three case study regions, we will develop strategies for the building sector, for delivering welfare services, for transportation and for everyday practices.
The results are scenarios with a macro economic model and strategic tools for national, regional and local stakeholders. Having preparedness and tools for how to cope with declining growth are deemed to be of highest societal relevance for Sweden as well as other nations, irrespective of whether this is regarded as a possibility or a threat.
Sollentuna Municipality's corporate Sollentuna Energi encourages micro-production and has the ambition to help those who wish to generate their own electricity through e.g. wind turbines or solar panels. The electricity that the households produce, but does not consume, can go out on the grid.
Even today Sollentuna Energi receives household’s overproduction and pays the producer for the volume.
Since spring 2015, Sollentuna Energy can offer everyone who so desires a "package deal" for solar cells. The package is supposed to contain an installation of solar panels and a contract for the receipt of surplus production and a contract for the supply of the electricity that still needs to be purchased.
Households will not only become more independent, but will also make a difference to the environment and the climate.
The emission reduction calculated is based on how many solar cells are sold so far (nov 2015).
Sollentuna is participating in WWF City Tour 2016. The city tour aims to draw attention to climate change and sustainable urban development linked to both a local and global perspective. On the final consultation (“Rådslag”), we discuss the current issues with invited stakeholders, policy makers, school students and the interested public. The goal is to increase awareness and participation for work on climate and sustainable urban development among students and those living and working in the municipality. In Sollentuna, four schools, with approximately 200 students are participating in the project. The students will work with group projects on the theme “Our city 2030”, which they show on the final consultation. On this event, 100 adults are expected to participate.
Read More Read LessSollentuna municipality has in cooperation with the company Goodpoint developed an environmental education for all the employees in the municipality. The purpose of the education is to implement the environmental policy and to increase awareness and knowledge about the environment so that we all can take environmental responsibility in our everyday-life. The first education/training session was held in May 2015, and the goal is that every employee in all departments has completed the education by spring 2016. In addition, new employees will also participate in this education in the future. All of the municipal administrations have been involved in the design of the training so that it will be as Sollentuna-adapted as possible. It is a train the trainer education, with one part theory and one part discussion. The theory-part consists of short movies where employees and students talk about the most important environmental issues in Sollentuna.
Read More Read LessSollentuna municipality is planning for an aerial cableway between Häggvik and the new city district of Väsjön. Compared with other traffic systems cableways are relatively inexpensive, require little space, are energy efficient, free of air pollution, and are relatively quiet.
The cableway will create an attractive and well-functioning public transport and make parts of the municipality more accessible and less car dependent. According to previous studies, travel between Häggvik and Väsjön will take less than 10 minutes with an intermediate station at Danderydsvägen, Edsberg - a travel time equivalent to what it would take to go by car. Frequency of service is expected to be about 30 seconds, and each gondola is expected to accommodate 8-10 passengers. The cableway would create a clear and reliable connection between commuter trains, Rudbeck Gymnasium/Edsvik/Edsbergsvägen and Väsjön and will contribute to the continued development and profiling of these areas.
During 2014, the Swedish Transport Administration added a new kind of “quiet asphalt” along the E4 motorway in Rotsunda, Sollentuna.
The issue of noise along the E4 motorway in Rotebroleden has long been on the agenda. In 2013, the Swedish Transport Administration decided to add noise-reducing asphalt of a test section along with the E4 through Rotsunda. The decision was welcomed by Sollentuna municipality that for a long time has been in discussions with the Swedish Transport Administration regarding the matter.
This first stage is a 6 year research project, if it is successful the Swedish Transport Administration will consider adding quiet asphalt on more routes on the E4 motorway. The municipality measures the noise twice a year to follow up how well the asphalt is working. Measurements from summer 2015 showed very good results, the asphalt reduced noise by 10-12 dB, which is basically as good as when it was new.
In addition, the speed has been reduced to 100 km/h. This lowers the noise by 1 dB, and reduces particle emissions. Measurements of particle emissions take place twice a year in one spot in Sollentuna.
For two years, a project has been going on with Edsån where a straightened part of the river has been converted into a winding stretch of more diverse environments. A distance of 600 meters of the stream has been dug to take a more meandering course which is now about 1200 meters long. The project is in collaboration between the municipality of Sollentuna and Väsby and the landowner Antuna gård. It increases the water purification in the area, improve conditions for biodiversity and make nature more accessible to local residents. A stone and gravel bottom has been created to improve play opportunities for the fish species asp (Aspius aspius), which is a redlisted species in Sweden according to the official Swedish red list. Large wetlands and flood beds have also been created which benefits both plant and bird species richness. In addition, a bridge over the river and walkways with information signs have been built been to improve accessibility for visitors.
Read More Read LessSollentuna communicates with the citizens in various forms.
The municipality is active in social media via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. In September 2015 we released a YouTube-video about what Sollentuna municipality does for the environment, published on our own webpage. In June 2015, on the World Environment Day, we released our first podcast with the theme environment and what Sollentuna does. The podcast will have different themes to tell the citizens about the municipality´s work in general.
Another important way to communicate with our citizens is with public dialogues. For example, in May 2015 Sollentuna conducted a public dialogue to find out where Sollentuna's inhabitants think that it is possible to place high buildings and the services that should be in them. 979 houses were placed on a map in the municipality by the inhabitants. Public dialogue is a method of gathering knowledge and the proposals received are treated as a knowledge base for future projects.
Pubic dialogue also played an important role role in the work with Sollentuna’s Traffic Strategy and Urban Green Structure Strategy in 2014. The municipality put up a web poll where anyone could go in and choose his or her favorite green space in the municipality. Also interviews were held individually and in groups, and expert assessments of the various green spaces. The study resulted in a so-called Sociotope map showing green areas' values from the user perspective and cultural ecosystem services.
Also, in the yearly survey from SCB (Statistics Sweden), Sollentuna added questions for 2014 about what the citizens think about the environment and what the municipality does.
The budget specified for this action is only for the specific project with high buildings; our budget for communication in total is much larger.
In December 2013 the project directive for urban green structure was approved, with the aim of identifying, describing and analyzing the values, functions and distribution relationships in the settlements close to the green areas and the boundary zone between the nature reserves and settlements. The entire work with urban green structure will be completed in 2016.
The results of the various analyzes of the urban green structure (sociotope map distribution relationships and ecosystem services, cloudburst mapping, biotope database etc.) will be aggregated and interpreted in 2015. The interpretation will be the basis for how the municipality will work with green structure ahead and what measures will be implemented in the coming years. Sollentuna will take help of Nacka and TMR (regional planning office) who have experience in analyzing extensive material.
The budget specified is for the project so far and does not include next year´s budget.
The Sollentuna Municipality has reported 1 government operational inventory, since 2013. In its latest inventory, compiled in 2013, the Transport is identified as key emission source.