The project aims to promote an inclusive and empowered society in partner countries
Specific Objectives:
- Promotion of zero-waste concept as sustainable waste management practice in urban areas of South Asia, cities like Shimla
- Creation of an inclusive society and contribution to poverty alleviation through integrating the informal waste collection
- Capacity building on waste management for City officials and NGOs
Sub Activities:
1. Analysis of the situation of waste management in cities
2. Definition of a local inter-municipal strategy to allow a common logistic and organisational solution within the geographic areas around the cities
3. Capacity building micro-programme at local level for both officials and stakeholder
4. Involvement of rag pickers and informal waste management related organisations in proposed waste management strategies
Implementation of demonstration activities at local level, developing the findings and results of the capacity building (E.g. integrating and creating official recognition for rag picker associations and institutionalizing their activities to substantiate waste management activities of the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)
• Under Sunya, Shimla is planning to do a pilot project in one ward which has 6-7 tons of waste per day and will be segregated for composting.