This program seeks to strengthen compilation, consolidation,
integration, updating and transmission information processes
related to disaster risk management in Pichincha province via
the implementation of a an information-based technological
tool jointly managed by canton and provincial governments
to support decision-making on related matters. In the shortterm,
any national or international user will have free access
to the system via internet.
Participating Organizations
The Ministry of the Environment, the National Meteorological
and Hydrological Institute and the Universidad Católica
del Ecuador
Pichincha Verde is a program that focuses on fragile
ecosystem recuperation and the proper stewardship of
hydrographic micro-basins. Forestation and reforestation
processes are carried out jointly among local and government
agencies as well as civil society organizations who
contribute labor to planting activities and commit to maintaining
and managing newly planted areas. Forestation
activities take place during the rainy season and they are
previously reinforced with training and awareness sessions
for stakeholders in affected areas.
Based on institutional authority and shared objectives the GAD
PP and Ecuador’s National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology
entered into a cooperative agreement based on a notion
of “shared resources” for short-, medium- and long-term
ends. The agreement includes the following principal points:
the design of a basic meteorological/hydrological network;
station operation and maintenance; information processing;
climatic and hydrological series; and awareness activities.