Reducing the disposition of recyclable solid waste in landfills and mitigating carbon emissions
COMCLIMA and GECLIMA were created from Decree 27.343 / 2013 and are the municipal forums for discussing climate change issues, as well as for building and debating the city's legal frameworks. Coordinated by the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability of Recife, COMCLIMA (with representatives of the City Hall of Recife, State Government, Federal Government, academia and organized civil society) and GECLIMA (with representatives of the Municipality of Recife) has the purpose of discussing , to share information and to subsidize the Municipality in the formulation and development of sustainability policies and the reduction of impacts resulting from anthropic interference with the climate system. To date, 12 COMCLIMATES and 7 GECLIMAS have been carried out.
Read More Read LessPublished on April 28, 2014, Law 18,011 / 2014 established the Policy for Sustainability and Coping with Climate Change in Recife, with the principles, guidelines, objectives and instruments for its effective development, as well as establishing the Program of Awards and Certification of Sustainable Cosntructions and Good Environmental Practices.
Read More Read Lessthe Capibaribe Park Project - Way of the Capybara seeks to build a new corridor for pedestrians and cyclists on the banks of the Capibaribe River. The project will also feature parks, squares and public facilities in several neighborhoods. The corridor will have a total length of 30.64 km, passing through 21 neighborhoods. At this moment Recife's green area per inhabitant index is only 0,7m². We wish that at the end of the implementation of this project by 2037, this index will be 20m². The intervention area of the project contemplates 47.147 resident population. The area also includes a mall, which attracts 20 thousand people per day, big stores and supermarkets, the Jaqueira Park (25 thousand visitors per year), big highways connecting up to six neighborhoods, and the Santana Park and it's large potencial leisure area to be used by the population. The the implementation of the project seeks: * The creation of 45Km of bike paths connecting the city from east to west, passing through more than 30 neighborhoods, through the banks of the Capibaribe River; * Wide, safe and comfortable walkways for pedestrians; * 12 crossings, through bridges or boats, that will strengthen the connection between the banks and the city The entire project is subdivided into four interconnected areas. For a partnership with private companies, it is possible to grant marketing areas and / or other possibilities.
Read More Read Lessthe program executed by the local power utility changed 6368 lamps and 17 air conditioners of the city hall. With the investment of R$ 700000, a 20% reduction in the energy consumption of the city's headquarters building is expected, and an economy of 453 MWh/year (R$ 165000/year)
Read More Read LessRecife é uma cidade plana, com belas paisagens. Além da geografia favorável a população não tem ciclovias específicas em quantidade ideal. O prefeito Geraldo Júlio optou por incentivar a mudança de cultura estimulando o uso das bicicletas especialmente nos fins de semana, com a criação das ciclofaixas de turismo e lazer, quando muitas ruas não permitem o acesso de carros. A partir de antão, a Prefeitura iniciou a criação de ciclovias definitivas em determinados corredores.
Read More Read LessThe Municipal System of Protected Areas was created by Law No. 8,014 / 2014, published in the Official Gazette on May 9, 2014. The SMUP is made up of four categories of protected units: Nature Conservation Unit, Conservation Unit Landscape and Environmental Equilibrium Unit, in addition to the Botanical Garden of Recife. These areas play an important role in the maintenance of flora and fauna species, mitigating local climatic conditions and preserving the landscape.
Read More Read LessIn 2012, in addition to having for the first time the amount of greenhouse gases measured, Recife is also the first city in the world to have an inventory produced according to the Global Communities Protocol (GPC), a pioneering methodology created from a partnership between ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, C-40 (Global Cities Group for Climate Leadership) and the World Resources Institute (WRI).
For the years 2014 and 2015, Recife participated in Cities Footprint, an institutional alliance of CAF Development Bank of Latin America and CDKN. Through this project we had the inventories of emission of greenhouse gases referring to those years produced.
A Lei nº 12.305/10, que institui a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS) é bastante atual e contém instrumentos importantes para permitir o avanço necessário ao País no enfrentamento dos principais problemas ambientais, sociais e econômicos decorrentes do manejo inadequado dos resíduos sólidos.
Prevê a prevenção e a redução na geração de resíduos, tendo como proposta a prática de hábitos de consumo sustentável e um conjunto de instrumentos para propiciar o aumento da reciclagem e da reutilização dos resíduos sólidos (aquilo que tem valor econômico e pode ser reciclado ou reaproveitado) e a destinação ambientalmente adequada dos rejeitos (aquilo que não pode ser reciclado ou reutilizado).
Institui a responsabilidade compartilhada dos geradores de resíduos: dos fabricantes, importadores, distribuidores, comerciantes, o cidadão e titulares de serviços de manejo dos resíduos sólidos urbanos na Logística Reversa dos resíduos e embalagens pós-consumo e pós-consumo.
Cria metas importantes que irão contribuir para a eliminação dos lixões e institui instrumentos de planejamento nos níveis nacional, estadual, microregional, intermunicipal e metropolitano e municipal; além de impor que os particulares elaborem seus Planos de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos.
Modernização de 43 mil pontos de iluminação pública na Cidade do Recife, 900 dos quais com substituição por lâmpadas LED. O programa RELUZ contemplou alguns dos principais corredores viários da cidade, o Bairro do Recife Antigo e algumas comunidades carentes atendidas pelo Projeto Pacto Pela Vida, que tem como objetivo prinicipal a diminuição dos índices de violência através da promoção de ações de cidadania.
Read More Read LessOs rios receberão embarcações para o transporte de passageiros, navegando através de 2 rotas, a uma velocidade média de 18 Km/h. Na rota oeste, os barcos passarão por 11 km e 2,9 km na rota norte. Estações de chegada e de saída ligada ao sistema de transporte metropolitano permitirão que os passageiros paguem por apenas um bilhete para usar em qualquer transporte público, integrando com outros modais. Os barcos terão acesso a pessoas com deficiência e capacidade assentos para 86 passageiros. O novo sistema vai atender 80 mil passageiros por mês.
Read More Read LessO Decreto 29.220/2015 institui as metas de redução das emissões de GEE do Recife para os anos de 2017 e 2020. Tendo como base o Primeiro Inventário de Emissões de GEE do Recife e o Cenário BaU de Projeção de Emissões (desenvolvido pela Universidade de Leeds-Inglaterra), as metas foram estabelecidas como parte da estratégias de desenvolvimento de baixo carbono que já estão sendo implementadas na cidade, além de outras que devem ser desenvolvidas visando reduzir as emissões de GEE, mitigar os impactos das mudanças do clima e adaptar a cidade e sua população aos efeitos irreversíveis. Com esse objetivo, buscou-se formular diretrizes, objetivos, metas e ações que conduzam a cidade a um desenvolvimento de baixo carbono. Esse conjunto de medidas integra o Plano de Baixo Carbono da cidade de Recife, que está em fase final de revisão. As metas para 2017 e 2020 são, respectivamente: 14,9% e 20,8% em relação ao Cenário BaU e o Primeiro Inventário das Emissões de GEE do Recife, que tem 2012 como ano-base. O processo de elaboração do plano de baixo carbono da cidade do Recife contou com ampla participação da sociedade civil e do setor privado, além das diferentes esferas do governo municipal e estadual, buscando fornecer legitimidade a esta proposta.
Read More Read LessFrom the realization of the first emission inventory, low carbon development strategies was developed in the city aiming to (I) reduce the GHG emissions provided by the city; (Ii) mitigating the impacts of climate change and (ii) adapting to irreversible effects.
With this objective, we have formulated guidelines, objectives, goals and actions that lead the city to a low carbon development. The process of drafting the GHG Emission Reduction Plan of the city of Recife was attended by civil society and the private sector, in addition to the different spheres of municipal and state government, seeking to provide legitimacy to this proposal. It is important to note that the plan includes actions foreseen in the Municipal Government Management Program; projects and actions coordinated by the municipal and state public authorities that provide reductions of GHG emissions, whether they are in implementation or planned; as well as propositions of actions that were not yet in the Government agenda but which were understood as fundamental for the low carbon development of the city.
With the GHG Emission Reduction Plan, the government of Recife seeks to construct, in a participatory way, a project for the city, on a sustainable basis, considering the urban set, the quality of life for citizens and the rescue of identity (culture, vocation and historical evolution).
Estes corredores exclusivos irão melhorar o fluxo de transporte de passageiros de Recife e de outras cidades da Região Metropolitana. Recife é a terceira Capital brasileira eo sexto lugar no mundo onde a maior parte do tempo é perdido no trânsito, o que compromete a qualidade de vida. As pessoas vão ganhar de volta de 3 horas de seu dia, uma vez que ela opera.
Read More Read LessCOMCLIMA and GECLIMA were created from Decree 27.343 / 2013 and are the municipal forums for discussing climate change issues, as well as for building and debating the city's legal frameworks. Coordinated by the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability of Recife, COMCLIMA (with representatives of the City Hall of Recife, State Government, Federal Government, academia and organized civil society) and GECLIMA (with representatives of the Municipality of Recife) has the purpose of discussing , to share information and to subsidize the Municipality in the formulation and development of sustainability policies and the reduction of impacts resulting from anthropic interference with the climate system. To date, 12 COMCLIMATES and 7 GECLIMAS have been carried out.
Read More Read LessThe Municipality of Recife has reported 3 Community emission inventories, since 2012. In its latest inventory, compiled in 2015, the Transport, Stationary energy and Waste management are identified as key emission sources.
The Municipality of Recife has reported 2 government operational inventories, since 2012. In its latest inventory, compiled in 2015, the are identified as key emission sources.
Mayor João Henrique De Andrade Lima CamposMunicipality of Recife, Brazil