The Urban Development plan for Hermosillo city(Page 107-112) makes obligatory to any new private and public infrastructure and real state projects in the city which require a parking lot construction according to the building regulation to provide a bicyclist parking space by law.
Read More Read LessStaff of the Directorate of Public Lighting of the City of Hermosillo will replace 12,000 public lights in the city for high-tech equipment, lightning costs will be reduced by up to one million 250 thousand pesos(95,135 USD) per year
A framework was established in which we will be changing the lights and in the first stage 12,000 lights will be replaced . Provider agreed to fund the project and the generated savings will pay the debt so as the end of a year the lights will be paid and turn into municipal property.
this project will save 30 percent of total energy consumption which represents a cost of 800 thousand pesos(60,930 USD) a month. replaced luminaires will be recycled also.
a) By presidential decree published on June 4, 1938 an area of 17,250.00.00 hectares located precisely within the boundaries of what is now established, with the rank of Forest Protected Area of the City of Hermosillo, the system of dams "Abelardo Rodríguez Luján - the Molinito" so that isince then being considered such land with a fundamental ecological importance, it is necessary and essential recovery and restoration, in order to preserve the ecosystems of these latitudes for thus contribute to obtaining a healthier life for residents of these regions and the own capital of the Sonora State taking into account that, at present, Abelardo Rodríguez Luján dam is relevant for the population Hermosillo.
Read More Read LessThis strategy aims to improve the quality of life of citizens and the recovery of the street, allowing more space allocated to pedestrian mobility and moderate traffic speed.
This is considered the urban renewal of public road space, which includes the expansion of sidewalks, creating crosswalks ears, accessibility of pedestrian routes or placement of decorative elements (trees, planters etc.), as elements of safety and delimitation. The aim is to obtain a new distribution where there is more public space to pedestrians and the private vehicle is restricted, the benefits offered are:
- Give more attention to pedestrian: 30km/h areas encourage social gathering and more equitable public space allocation among different users, so the streets as a place of coexistence recover their public space vocation.
- Avoid passing traffic: The speed reduction and the creation of closed circuit circulation discourages motorists with long-distance routes to use the roads in Zone 30.
The objectives of the implementation of zones are to help:
Provide safe street crossings
Improve the quality of life
Increase levels of walking and cycling
Reduce obesity through increased active living
Reduce rat running and cut through traffic
Reducing motor vehicle traffic volumes and speeds
To reduce road crash rates, injuries and fatalities to all road users
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution and noise pollution
Foment an area where pedestrians, cyclists and motorists coexist safely and comfortably
Develop public space that is open and safe for everyone, including people with disabilities
Increase the space available for walking, biking, and people on the street to eat, play and enjoy life
Provide a safe area for children in school zones
Increase real estate values of local homes and businesses
Increase the economic vitality of the area
Strengthen the sense of community.
The municipal policy document which is intended to form a physical structure that will allow an adequate mobility of the population and its region integration, where priority is given to developing a sustainable public transport system that pays attention to the needs of all population groups, especially those whose mobility is limited by disability, age or poverty, and to other forms of transport with technical support of the The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP).
Read More Read LessLa Pintada comprises two different archaeological components; within the Canyon are cave paintings and rock engravings, while outside, on the alluvial plain of the Canyon are vestiges of various seasonal camping grounds in an extensive area, characterized by a concentration of archaeological material: ceramic, stone tools, sea shells and grinding artifacts. Besides it's archaeological value, the site is home of 90 plant species and 12 animal species protected by the Offcial Mexican Norm
Read More Read LessSolar Energy Park will generate 20 megawatts of power during it's first stage and will operate at full capacity with 80 megawatts. One of the main objectives will be to provide the full energeticdemand of street lighting service to the city of Hermosillo
The plant in Hermosillo feature polycrystalline cells that convert solar energy into electrical energy, spread over an area of 100 hectares. It also generated in the construction phase and 500 jobs during operation established 30 permanent workplaces.
In addition, the installation of the solar park guarantees energy without CO2 emissions to the atmosphere for the next 25 years, . Therefore, The municipality stands out as the one with the greatest potential in the production of solar energy.
non-profit run by volunteers.they provide tools and parts you need to fix or build a bicycle Their staff of volunteer mechanics is available to give advice and technical support to teach people to build their own bikes in exchange they teach others to do so.
On the Municipality's Urban Development Plan
The development strategy provides that the time for opening new areas of development is based on the status of service feasibility
hidrical and electrical infrastructure and the availability of roads to reach the new area, also suitability of education facilities, health and recreation; and in the capacity of the municipality and the agencies responsible for provide service coverage of public transport, policing, garbage collection, and the existence of infrastructure against natural phenomena to avoiding risk areas and within
an adequate stormwater discharge, and others.
Considering the above, the opening of Phase II, will be held once the areas of Phase I reach an occupation of at least 80% of the area in each one of the urban planning sector.
The Humedales de la Laguna La Cruz (6,665 hectares, 28°47’15”N 111°52’53”W) has been designated by Mexico’s Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT), that country’s 139th Wetland of International Importance. As summarized by Ramsar’s Sara Casallas Ramirez, the new site is a small bay in the northern Gulf of California, characterized by intertidal marshes, intertidal forested wetlands, and mud, sand or salt flats, with mangrove forests that are unique as they are located near the northern limit of their distribution and, within the Sonorean Desert area, lack fresh water inputs. As part of the Pacific Migratory Route, it is an important rest area for migratory birds, providing food and refuge to a total of 154 species of birds, of which 84 are aquatic species. Some 96 fish species have been identified at the site, which is also vital for some species during adverse climatic conditions and as a breeding area of various fish, mollusc and crustacean species. It also supports such threatened species as the Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas and the Elegant Tern Sterna elegans among others.
The site is highly significant for local communities as it maintains the fisheries of the area and is also important for tourism and research.
the program consist in recycling places where any citizen can let their diposable material.
In Hermosillo we have 5 CLEAN POINT, distributed as follows:
CREE - Ave 3 and Federal Labor Law, Col. Bugambilias.
Peripheral UNACARI- Blvd East and Serna, Col. Los Naranjos.
PARK childish Carbó esq. Ave Morelia, Col. White House.
Sonora DIF Ignacio Romero and Luis Encinas, Col. San Benito.
GYM UNISON- Reform between Navarrete and Colosio, Downtown.
UNISON- Department Chemist - Biologist.
What a waste CAN I can deposit?
- Televisions
Appliances - jack irons, toasters, air conditioners, appliances, microwaves ...
- Paper / Cardboard
- Computer equipment like screens, scanners, printers.
- water bottles, soda cans, liquid soap, fabric softener, bleach ...
- Cellphones
Residues that citizens can NOT put in a clean section are:
- Car Batteries and oils
- Any hazardous waste
- Toners
- Spray
- Painting
- Garbage
- Sanitary
- Glass.
In order to provide a safe and sustainable waste tires for disposal, the City of Hermosillo and Ecoltec company signed a cooperation agreement to collect and recycle these wastes for cement manufacturing.
Mayor Alejandro López Caballero and commercial manager Ecoltec Mexico subsidiary of Holcim Group, Armando Fernandez Morales, shaped each document formalizing actions such as registration of business establishments dealing with used tires.
López Caballero stressed the importance of this partnership between the municipal government and the private sector in terms of win-win, as it will the best solution to a difficult reality to attend, as is the generation of a monthly average of seven thousand 700 tires waste in the city.
The disadvantages of tires left as litter on the streets, are counted that are breeding grounds for vermin such as rats and dengue mosquito transmitter; also affect the city's image and pose a high risk of fire, with the aggravating circumstance that they emit large amount of GHG and smoke particles into the environment.
From this agreement, a dynamic collection of scrap tires will start, by crews Ecoltec, from routes designed according to a standard of facilities, to be transferred to the plant of Holcim Mexico in Hermosillo, where they are being crushed and some portion is being use as alternative fuel in the furnaces at 2000 degrees centigrade.
This process revealed is known as "complete combustion" were the heat is so intense that it prevents the tires of emanating toxic smoke, as would occur with other common open burning. The result of this combustion is incorporated into the cement manufacturing process.
Special collection centers were installed among the city
2500 endemic and low water demaning trees are given freely to the population by month, these species are Olneya tesota Parkinsonia microphylla and Azadirachta indica
Read More Read LessThere are two ways of collecting, which are 61 isolated special metal containers, placed in garbage collection units of the municipal services. The idea is that people take advantage of the service to be deposited directly to a garbage truck.
They are also 50 large containers that were placed in strategic locations in the city, so that people can go to them and dispose of used batteries in their homes
four tons of batteries per month which are collected, they are stored carefully in order to avoid any contamination, to finish this process they are moved to the city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, where they are given the proper handling safely.
In schools, talks are being held as well to encourage children and young people the importance of collecting batteries.
The Treatment Plant is located at kilometer 4 Seri Road has been designed for a flow of 2500 liters per second treating the entire city's water at its first stage and in a future it will provide additional 500 liters of treated water, quality of this water shall comply with NOM 003 and may be used for agricultural irrigation of parks, gardens and safely, sludge will meet the Nom SEMARNAT 2002 class C 003 and be fit for reclamation and soil improvement also.2 thousand 500 liters of
Treated water will have a second use, the 42% of treated water will be used irrigation of 3000 acres, 3% for the Federal Electricity Commission which will produce 60% of the plant's energy needs, the remaining 55% of the water will be available for aquifer recharge
This paper integrates the policies, guidelines, strategies, rules
techniques and arrangements to order and regulate the population center, promote urban development to enhance its competitiveness in a context of
sustainability and allowing the retrieval of public responsibility in urbanization process,it is presented as a revision and modification program Urban Development Plan for Hermosillo from 2007.
It is a program that addresses urban planning with a long-term and consistent with the current National Urban Policy and Housing, which drives a
model of sustainable urban development and smart growth, which prevents the
city's sprawl in an untidy and uncontrolled expansion,it
promotes a more compact, dense, livable and competitive city, with well located housing options, more and better public spaces and solutions of comprehensive mobility that give priority to citizens and the environment, under strategic and efficiency criteria.
The use of biogas (bio-energy that comes from the gases that arise from landfills) will be implemented through a collection and conveyance system, which is used to fuel internal combustion engine coupled to an electric generator.
The generator, in turn, be connected to a distribution network of the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), so the power generated can be sold. The direct benefit to the town would be the total profits from the energy sale . will have a capacity of 2 Mwh
The director of that agency, reported that as the permanent program began last November(2013), about 15 complaints a day for burning garbage were received, while to date there is record of only two or three, and the application of just seven penalties for that motif.
Staff of the Municipal Institute of Ecology takes the campaign to prevent burning garbage to the colonies where there was recurrence of the problem, in addition to attending 42 primary schools to date to bring awareness to the negative consequences of this practice by distribution of information leaflets about the risks and negative consequences of this practice.
The information leaflets of the Municipal Institute of Ecology also mention that, like burning trash, cooking with firewood affects air quality, because it emits particles and affect health.
Comprises about 18.1 km of primary roads and a stretch of 1.7 km on collector streets (Street and Calle Pino Suárez Rosales) where simple stops will be installed on the right side.
Corridors with potential for application of preferential lanes to the center of the track, with intermediate stations at platform level buses (1.0 m high) to circulate the express bus routes (100 passengers) in the first stage.
Linear Parks Master Plan is determined to dictate the future investment and managment of such public space areas in the city.
the spread of this taste for bike rides is visible in Hermosillo because the different cyclist groups schedule rides from 6 to 7 days of the week to enjoy this hobby and some more to promote safety, cyclist respect among the streets of the city.
Read More Read Lessthe start of a sanctioning process for those who leave construction material in their foreheads, sidewalks and street, to prevent this from continuing is very important before the rainy season, when such elements are drawn to the sewer system and cause multiple problems.
sanctions on the following practices:
Not keeping clean the sidewalk, flowerbed and front yards or throw waste on the street.
Remove household waste in days where the garbage truck will not pass.
Keeping in public roads construction material and not respecting the terms authorized by permit by CIDUE for disposition thereof in particular works.
Throwing branches, debris and miscellaneous debris in abandoned houses, vacant lots, canals and streams.
Improper management of solid waste by companies that adversely affect the city's image.
No cover loads of construction material during transportation.
Littering from moving vehicles.
Owners of vacant lots which do not clean and encircle, helping them to become illegal dumping and a problem not only of urban image, but also for neighboring health.
Keep junk vehicles abandoned on public roads.
Description of infrastructure work and its components
Objective: To improve urban mobility through this cycle path also represent a real option for energy saving, health and travel time for students of the University of Sonora and city dwellers
The purpose of this project is to offer a real alternative of mobility for citizens, the benefits will be , as the reduction in travel time, improve the quality of life of citizens, improved levels of health improvement in the urban image, saving electricity and gasoline to evade the emission of GHGs.
b) most important legal and environmental aspects related to technical implementation.
Legal aspects: The city government has various technical areas for the implementation and design of public works, which are themselves regulated by the law on public works and services, and its adjudication process established through public tenders.
The Municipal Institute of City Planning Hermosillo (IMPLAN), who will be responsible for developing the project has the technical capability to verify the targets set in the project through the Department of Roads and Transport and the Directorate of Territorial Planning and Urban Development .
Environmental aspects: The municipal law provides that for projects of additions, alterations, replacement of infrastructure, rehabilitation and maintenance, may request a waiver of the filing of the environmental impact statement, provided it is shown that its implementation will not cause ecological imbalances nor exceed the limits and conditions laid down in legal provisions on environmental protection and preservation and restoration of ecosystems.
It is worth mentioning that since it is a work made in a consolidated urban area, there would be no predation of urban land, being of a project to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases, reducing emissions by the same non-motorized travel and implementing lighting with low energy consumption. add mexico to query, look for "Sustainable Urban Roads"
Installed capacity: 18.48kW / h Modulos installed: 66 Modules
Module Capacity: 280 W
Investors installed: 2 Inversors
Admission of investors Capacity: 10,000W
Average sunshine hours: 6.5 H
Average Daily Production: 120.12 Kw
Annual production: 43.84 MW
moneyless market surges as a citizen initiative which encourages people to not dispose their belongings when they judge they can but encourages people to trade it for some other good as electronics,food,etc. or even services(as electricity services,plumbing, car rides,etc.)
Read More Read LessThe Teacher Training Institute of the State of Sonora, through the General Coordinator of Continuing Education, in coordination with the Commission of Ecology and Sustainable Development of the State of Sonora (CEDES), implemented a workshop on "Education for Sustainable Development, Training Trainers" which was developed during the days from 4 to 6 March this year at the premises of Hotel Colonial Hermosillo.
This workshop for representatives of the 19 Teachers Centers, as well as teachers of Sonora University (UNISON) representative, COBACH and UES ( Sonora State University), who in turn will be teaching to each institution managers, so they can teach to each of their local educational facilities ; primary, secondary, middle and higher education, respectively.
For the realization of this training was received support from SEMARNAT CECADESU, CEDES, Sonora and specifically by the German Agency for Technical Cooperation, GTZ (Deutsche Internationale Zusammenarbeit Für Geseltschaft (GIZ).
Urban Development plan for Hermosillo city makes obligatory to any new private and public infraestructure and real state projects in the city to have a minimum of 2 meters sidewalk to promote pedestrian mobility. Acording to the Urban Development Plan.
Read More Read LessAs part of the Day of Environmental Education, a program to improve education seeks to promote environment care, these attend schools in different educational levels in the city to bring environmental issues as workshops themes: 4Rs, Reforestation, water pollution, compost.
One of the activities will be learning-oriented management of waste in their homes, and raise awareness on issues such as the four" R "which means reduce waste generation, reusing, recycling and recover back products as recyclable materials
Other workshops entitled "Environmental Pollution" and "New Treasure Trash" includes various topics that address the problem of vision of the city as a shared space, including the disposal of municipal waste solids-highlights, the responsible management of their pets, care of green spaces, among others.
In the workshops, the knowledge imparted airs through educational games which change behavior and attitudes promoted in children in order to commit to the environment.
the goal is to to preserve areas of largely undeveloped,or wildlands surrounding neighbouring urban areas.
Read More Read LessDetermine the assets subject to the mobility of persons with disabilities, pedestrians, cyclists, users of motorized mobility, motorcyclists, motorists, drivers and users of public transportation, mass and collective as well as heavy load vehicles, the regulation of mobility and transportation in Hermosillo Municipality, and the rights and obligations of subjects of mobility,seeks to establish order and security measures, control of motorized and non-motorized vehicular travels which concern to people, goods and services in public roads.
Read More Read LessCarpooling saves on gas and eases traffic and parking congestion promoting a more sustainable and energy efficiency mobility, the program will consist in an online platform that will sign up car owners and citizens in general, furthermore the system will be promoted by the local governement among it's employees
Read More Read Lessis a channel between Island Tiburón and the Sonora coast in northwestern Mexico, characterized by the presence of sea-grass beds, mangrove estuaries, seasonal creeks and small coral reef patches.
According to Ramsar’s Assistant Advisor for the Americas, Nadia Castro, based upon the accompanying data sheets, the sea-grass beds are the largest concentration of annual marine grasses in the eastern Pacific, and the mangroves are located at the northern limit of this vegetation type. These wetlands provide refuge, substrate and food to several species that are the basis for commercial and artisanal fisheries. In addition, the site is habitat of 81 endemic invertebrate species of Gulf of California and several threatened species, such as mangroves (Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle), totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi), marine turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata, Caretta caretta, Dermochelys coriaceai, Lepidochelys olivacea and Chelonia mydas agassizi) and Brant Goose (Branta bernicla). For more than 2000 years the ethnic group Comcaac has inhabited this region and show an extensive ecological traditional knowledge, upon which they base their fisheries management practices.
In contrast to several other regions in the Gulf, the seabeds in the site have not been disturbed by the nets of shrimp vessels, but they are currently threatened by overfishing and tourist development.
The Central Park project in Hermosillo, is a space of 29 hectares where the community can interact with nature, animals and vegetation that predominates in the town's surroundings, This area is place where hermosillenses can enjoy nature at its finest, with spaces dedicated to the sport of mountain biking,hiking, climbing and rappelling, recreation and family entertainment, viewpoints and bird watching,the site also has an environmental fish farming research center, the benefits perceived by having this urban green area also include;Recharging of aquifers, pollution control, native and migrant bird sanctuary Regulating microclimate, Regulation of insolation, wind Barrier and Protecting wild and fertile soil.
Read More Read LessObligatory part of the land use license, depending on the impact,
Areas available to the project
Expansions works or future activities
Machinery and equipment
List of raw materials, supplies and fuel
Hazardous materials and substances
Types of waste
Feasibility of recycling
Measures and actions to prevent environmental impacts
It is the first facility of its kind in Latin America and its goal is the development of electric and solar power generation technology and promoting both knowledge generation and the formation of high-level human resources.
The field test is a joint project between the University of Sonora and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). This action will promote the development and research on the use of renewable energy sources, said State Secretary of Economy.
The installation of the heliostat field will be in the Department of Agriculture and Livestock of the Unison, at kilometer 21 on the road to Bahia de Kino, part of the National Laboratory of Concentration and Solar Chemical, said the head of the Energy Commission of the state Jesus Luis Celaya Gortari.
The field is conditioned for 82 heliostats from which are expected a thousand suns concentration, also has a central tower, an image and data acquisition system for testing heliostat, experimental booth and control room.
In the test field of heliostats in Sonora will be conducted research on the technology of the heliostats, including evaluation and standardization, development of components and solar thermal electricity generation, among other topics. Currently generates 2 MWh per year
In this Program a diagnosis on storm drain was made, were the main watersheds were defined in the urban areas, a catalog on drainage infrastructure was made which included culverts, bridges and other existing structures meant to capture and stream crossings, based on this information, infrastructure demand was identified as well for underused equipment, also potential urban development areas were located after identifying flood areas. Consequently a programming of the works required for the short, medium and long term was scheduled, quantifying the cost and assigning a priority according to the time required to do it.
Read More Read LessFor a changing community whose process is aimed at achieving an integral human development,equitable and sustainable, the damage caused by the onslaught of the
natural resources constitute an unacceptable condition.
Certainly progress has been made, however the gains are still insufficient and therefore it is necessary to invest more effort and resources to move from a
reactive to a preventative scheme. It is therefore essential to develop strategies, policies and
programs for medium and long terms, aimed to prevent and reduce the impact of disruptive or destructive agents, involving both the municipal government,
as social and private sectors.
This change in strategy must ensure that residents of the Municipality of Hermosillo
are resilient to natural hazards, meaning a group of people living in
same area or locality and sharing the same risk have capacity to
resist, absorb and recover from the consequences of risk effectively and immediately. While ensuring that development does not increase their vulnerability
and hence the risk. Only then, we can guarantee a less vulnerable and safer Municipality.
Disasters due to its complex nature and control methods, had showed that traditional measures of isolated and therefor fragmentary solutions are insufficient and that
is essential to rely on the existence of this technical instrument in order to be able to assist with the implementation of
deeper and comprehensive measures to provide interdisciplinary and inter-institutional solutions in order to ensure a worthy quality of life for out citizens.
The Municipality of Hermosillo has reported 1 Community emission inventory, since 2010. In its latest inventory, compiled in 2010, the Transport, Industrial process and product use, Waste management, Agriculture, forest and other land use, Agriculture, forest and other land use and Stationary energy are identified as key emission sources.
The Municipality of Hermosillo has reported 1 government operational inventory, since 2014. In its latest inventory, compiled in 2014, the Waste management and Transport are identified as key emission sources.