- The Municipality of Guatemala committed to increase its share of renewable energy in final energy mix in Local Government by 80% by 2017
- The target is going to be reached by activities in Electricity and Transport sector.
20% Energy efficiency improvement by 2017
In adaptation objectives, reforestation has been worked to avoid soil erosion.
The program calls for reforestation in the capital city’s
greenspaces and involves citizen participation along streets,
avenues and boulevards as well as in neighborhoods.
The CENMA wholesale market generates organic materials
used for composting. Market stall tenants have been educated
and trained to carry out organic and inorganic refuse
separation, leading to more practical and cleaner collection.
The program operates a truck provided by the Guatemala
City local government.
Participating organizations: Misión Técnica Taiwán
The Transmetro is the massive public transportation system in segregate ways, executed in five lines that actually give the service more than 360,000 people daily in 77 stations and 65 kilometers of longitude in all the routes. To complete the system is still necessary to introduce 5 more routes and at least four transfer centers in the periphery of the city, they will restrict the access to the extra urban units transportation, making more efficient the vial space, ordering the transfer and deleting the competence between urban and exta urban vehicles.
Read More Read LessThe Guatemala City local office for the environment is coordinates
city waste management to protect the environment
and reduce natural-resources-use impacts. Ongoing citizen
education efforts are necessary to increase awareness and
involve citizens in environmental protection as a means to
achieving a cleaner, more ecological city. The project publicizes
waste management options and the opportunities
that can emerge from those activities.
The system calls for a preliminary trunk component known
as Transmetro, a mass transit system based on rapid, dedicated-
lane bus lines featuring designated platform stops.
The second component features feeder lines, known as
Transurbano, that host lower-capacity buses that circulate
throughout the city but do not directly compete with the
trunk line; rather, they seek to provide fusion for optimal
integrated system operation. With the project’s complete
implementation, an up-to-500,000-metric-ton emissions
reduction is contemplated based on baseline studies assuming
that in the absence of a dedicatedlane
system, users would circulate in
traditional, much less efficient buses,
if not in taxis, motorcycles or private
The Guatemala City restricted-lane
bus system has been registered with
the UN Framework Commission on
Climate Change under the aegis of its
Clean Development Mechanism for
carbon credit generation. The registry
was realized according to methodology
AM0031, Version, 3.1.0, “Baseline Methodology for
Rapid Transit Bus Projects.” The project was overseen by Local
Green Development with support from world-renowned
Grütter Consulting group.
The Guatemala City local office for the environment oversees
a tree culling and planting department charged with
felling and pruning trees to avoid damage and accidents.
Its activities produce waste branches and trunks that can
be converted into reusable materials. An idea emerged to
manufacture wood chips from existing tree prunings and
trunks and use these in gardens and parks throughout the
city for weed control as well as soil enhancement that benefits
plants. This improvement supports the environment
and prevents additional wastes from entering the city’s zone
three dump.