Kumamoto City

Japan Mayor: Kazufumi Onishi
  • image description
    Population 734029
  • km 2
    Area 390.0
  • N/A
    GDP N/A
  • emission
    Targets by N/A N/A

Targets by Kumamoto City

There are no targets yet

The City’s Original Environmental Management System Practice - Kumamoto City
  • Start year: 2011
  • Type: Education/Awareness Raising
  • Status: In operation

The City has worked for the reduction of the environmental burden and the increase of the environmental awareness based on individual plan and policies in its administrative work.
In its main office, they made efforts at reducing further environmental impacts by using the “ISO14001 Environmental Management System”. But a part of these practices was redundantly managed by the individual environmental plan.
Prior to formulating “the Kumamoto City’s third green project”, the City compiled basic points to proceed the project: dissolving the overlapped management, using good points of ISO14001 Environmental Management System, clarifying each department’s responsibility, simplifying procedures, and creating productive, city’s original environmental management system.
Under the new environmental management system, to reduce environmental impacts in the administrative work, the City will conduct total management on eco-friendly activities in the office; usage of energy and water, paper use reduction, waste reduction, recycling, and promoting green purchases, as well as to ensure compliance with the environmental legislation.

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  • Buildings
  • Facilities
  • Transport
  • Waste
local action
Subsidy for installation of a household solar heating system - Kumamoto City
  • Start year: 2012
  • Type: Technical/Infrastructure investment
  • Status: In operation

The city is blessed with abundant solar energy, and takes its water from the underground that makes the water temperature
stable throughout the year.
Taking advantage of the region’s characteristic, the project promotes the use of renewable energy in households by implementing a subsidy system for installation of household solar water-heaters and solar forced-circulation systems.

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  • Residential
Subsidy for installation of a residential solar generating system - Kumamoto City
  • Start year: 2009
  • Type: Fiscal / Financial mechanism
  • Status: In operation

The project promotes the use of renewable energy in general households by implementing a subsidy system for installation of residential solar generating systems.

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local action
Promoting Plastic Bag Reduction Project - Kumamoto City
  • Start year: 2009
  • Type: Education/Awareness Raising
  • Status: In operation

In order to prevent global warming and create a recycling-oriented society, the City promotes the plastic bag use reduction. The project sets up a support system under the cooperation with locals, civic parties, businesses and the City with their mutual understandings. The project also supports voluntary efforts for the plastic bag reduction, and examines, assesses, and releases the efforts.
In addition, businesses, civic parties, a promotion council for plastic bag reduction and the local government concluded an agreement on reducing plastic bag use in the city. By charging for plastic shopping bags, the project promotes eco-friendly practices such as reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and wastes.
Of businesses under the agreements, 83.9% of shoppers brought their own bags at the supermarkets with charging for plastic bags in fiscal 2010, 30.8% for the supermarket with plastic bag although they ask shoppers if they need plastic bags, and conduct cash back system.

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  • Waste
Community inventories

The Kumamoto City has reported 2 Community emission inventories, since 2010. In its latest inventory, compiled in 2011, the Stationary energy, Transport and Waste management are identified as key emission sources.

GHG emission from Kumamoto City
GHG inventory in 2011
Government operations inventory

The Kumamoto City has reported 2 government operational inventories, since 2011. In its latest inventory, compiled in 2012, the Waste management and Transport are identified as key emission sources.

GHG emission from Kumamoto City
GHG inventory in 2012

Mayor Kazufumi Onishi
Kumamoto City, Japan



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