- The Hiroshima City committed to increase its Share of renewable energy in primary energy mix in Community by 50% by 2030
- The target is going to be reached by activities in Electricity sector.
The action that newly hired advisors visit shops in the city, giving advice for energy saving.
They visited 93 shops.
Amounts of CO2 emission reduction is a predicted figure in fiscal 2011
Hiroshima City generates energy from sewage sludge instead of using coal fired electricity to promote the recycling of sewage and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Prior to the project, sewage sludge generated at the City's sewage facility was disposed in three ways: composting, converting it to cement raw-material, and incinerating and land-filling. This project enabled the City to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions caused especially by incineration and land-filling. The City has also been able to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emitted by the sewage sludge project itself by utilizing the biogas produced through the energy generation process.
The project subsidies a part of costs to renovate existing equipments into eco-friendly in private firms in Hiroshima city with the government’s regional Green New Deal funds. It aims to improve the effort to reduce greenhouse gas by participant companies which introduce the environmental assessment system under the “Ordinance to Promote Measures Against Global Warming in Hiroshima City” (hereafter called “the Ordinance”).
The plan targets existing buildings (except new and extended constructions) to carry out : multiple renovations ( more than two equipments in a firm) or integrated renovations
( identical energy-saving equipments in more than two firms)
of energy-saving equipments (air-conditioners, hot water supply systems, lightings, heaters, electric equipments, natural gas co-generation equipments, heat insulation and etc.), and renewable energy equipments (solar power generation, solar heating systems, biomass energy and etc.) that the City determined.
The project was carried out by three companies in fiscal 2010
?Amounts of CO2 emission reduction is a predicted figure in fiscal 2011
This measure requires businesses of certain scales to develop an environmental business plan every 3 years and to report its progress annually to Hiroshima City. The City analyzes and publicizes these activities and progress towards reducing greenhouse gas emission on its website to allow community members to view these achievements and to promote businesses to take planned action towards mitigating climate change.
Read More Read LessThe project is to subsidize a part of costs for constructions of highly-efficient energy saving equipments in households to improve CO2 emission reductions.
The subsidy system targets constructions to install: ?. a solar power generation system, ?. a solar water heater, and ?. doubled glasses
Yearly application and implementation are as follows:
1. Fiscal 2008 subsidized for 433 cases ( 487 applications )
(? 240, ? 26, ? 27, ?140)
2. Fiscal 2009 subsidized for 1270 cases ( 1485 applications)
(?95, ?105, ?35, ?173)
3. Fiscal 2010 subsidized for 1631 cases (1762 applications)
??957, ?105, ?35,?173?
?Amounts of CO2 emission reduction is a predicted figure in fiscal 2011
The Hiroshima City has reported 4 Community emission inventories, since 2008. In its latest inventory, compiled in 2012, the Stationary energy, Transport, Industrial process and product use, Waste management, Agriculture, forest and other land use and Agriculture, forest and other land use are identified as key emission sources.
The Hiroshima City has reported 4 government operational inventories, since 2009. In its latest inventory, compiled in 2012, the Waste management, Transport and Other are identified as key emission sources.
Mayor Kazumi MatsuiHiroshima City, Japan